Monday, June 18, 2012

Report 124 My Childhood is now complete.

My best friend, during free comic book day found clow cards and she bought them, When she show it off online I ask if she could get me a pack too and behold! My clow cards ~ :D

I'm soo happy

Also Also I finally found a original Abby Monster High doll!! I've been searching for her for months and now  my collection is complete...or until I find another ( or they come out with) another one I like and want.

See I'm a horde. When there is an item I want, that bugs a place in my mind I need it. And I will work hard, wait until said item is cheaper and will eventually get. Like the dolls I love to just looking at them they are a source of inspiration for me. There is magazine that I get because of pictures of natural environment and it just click in my head so I take it, cut it and post it somewhere on my wall. There is games I bought that I never played but I keep it anyway because I can't keep apart from it. I do sell or throw out stuff, some hurts inside of me, but I do it because I know I don't need it anymore and that its just taking space ( I got ride of 30 books because of that.)

I have plushies I keep because its sentimental and they small and fit in a box. I HAVE A BOX FULL OF FLIPPING ROCKS! I always wanted those cards, I found them, I'm taking them, fuck the price.

I'm studying right now on how to read fortune with the cards, its fun and interesting. I don't really believe in those things, reading cards because, it just never work for me, all the women I go see with my sister just look at me, look at the card and wince, and say that I don't need it because I cant read the cards myself. My chi is to close up and powerful or something. It's family, my big sister is the same, just like my grand ma.

Anyway I want to learn how to read cards with my clow cards because it be awesome and totally epic. :D


And I got a Avenger pin. No regret. At all. :D

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