Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Report 24, Kittens

I has kitties,

Okay not mine really, its my friend's cats. She's having problem with her roommate and have to live with her boyfriend, and her boyfriend is allergic to animals so, we took the cats in for a while.

TWO cats!, brother and sisters~ One fat, gingerbread ( male) and a tiny slim girl, Leo. They though she was a male for quite a while so.

This Friday my class will show 2 movies for a fund raising to our trip! to Montreal Game Summit next year! I did the posters! I post them everywhere in college! Friday I will go get candy! arrange the centine... and guide people around... wow I do a lot. At least Friday some of my class mate will help so, since I have to eat somewhere in between. Saturday is a girl trip to help my friend buy make up, teach her all about it, but at 2 I have to pick up my boyfriend from work, and after that...allll week end just me and him, ho yeah.

Since I don't like valentine day where probably do nothing, only a supper ( chicken bacon wrap baby! hey that's what I ask, and he's the cook), I probably will ask him on what he want me to do for valentine day since he's the one cooking, and Valentine day is not just about guy giving chocolate and flowers to the girl. Its about COUPLES! girls have to give something too, show the affection! come on.

He probably will say NO since I give him a 50$ gift card on EBGames for his birthday last Friday. XD

So I start reading my book I order. "The Ultimate Guide to Video Games writing and design".

really interesting! they wrote the book as a game, you have some activities to do, beta , alpha and gold. Beta being: you don't have to do it really. Alpha : you should do it, may help.Gold: do itt doooo ittttt.

I'm on chapter 6 on 14. I already pass the character and world template. On how to develop characters. Not just the main character, NPC, ally, enemies and natural people. They give use a template where we can base on off, but they did say depending on the game we want to build, some question would not be apply so we can just skip it. But except of that I'm really impress, There is stuff or question I never though of, and it make me think a lot about my game, it fixed a lot of flaws I had, developed the Organization characters I had ( they have a section on Organization people template, reaally useful)

The same thing with the world, there is stuff I never though on my world. They ask so many question on the world itself that when you finish answering them all you have a realistic world living in your mind, it can have a life of its own! same thing with characters!

The book teach you on how to organize your though and imagination, to never let any ideas go away, even if there completely useless and crazy, to just write it somewhere and you never know, that that crazy idea may be useful for future project.

see I know I'm writing so vaguely right now, but that's because I want to force you guys to buy the book. Not even 20$ on amazon, and its a really useful book for student who want to go in game design or writing. Even there it's good for future writers! who likes games, since the book think not only about the designer but to normal writers to, even if they don't like games. They use James Bond and Indiana Jones as reference a lot, or other movies, cause every one watch movies!

I want to read it once before starting all the activities they assign us. Since a lot will be useful for where I want to go.And I want to write it on my new computer, I feel like my laptop will blow up if I try.

On an other note, completely unrelated ( kinda) I'm going to Moncton next week-end! all week-end, gonna relax and do nothing except read my book, and the new one I want to buy who is on my list. I invited my boyfriend to come since he really need a good week-end to relax and no video games. But with his work load, were not sure. I hope he can! I really want to go to Moncton with him! And my family leave us alone when he's there so more quite time for me to read and him to sleeep!

anyway, long post was long enough, no more me writing nonsense.


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