Sunday, February 21, 2010

Report 25, IT'S COMMING!

yup, my computer is coming home baby~

I wanted to post earlier but I just didn't know how to start the post. Like now XD

One week before March break! 2 weeks and HeartGold and SoulSilver is out!And the two books I was missing is coming in 2 weeks too.

I have 2 math test coming up! Probably a programming test and/or a problem set, one test in Quality management ( which suckuls) I finish 2D programming a week in advance!

Sooo Valentine day was awesome. We had the apartment for our self, we watch American Pie movies, He bake me a diner, it was chicken wrap in bacon with some tomato pasta. IT WAS SOO GOOOD! But he said he failed it. I told him if that was the ruin one I can't wait to eat the right one.It was Delicious.There was much more but no need to tell.

My march break gonna be PACK, on Friday I'm going down to bring my roommate to her place, and my boyfriend coming down too. on Sunday morning we're leaving to my BF place to meet his parents till Tuesday. After that I'm bringing him to his apartment because he want to play WoW, while I go back to my parent place, since my computer will be there. on Thursday, going down to my apartment for a girl night! Maybe, since most of my friend will be down to Bathurst and be easier for our old graduate friend to drive down Bathurst instead of Miramichi.

I don't know when I will bring down my computer to my place. Cause I need to clean up my room to make place there, and after the girl night, me and my roommate are just going to stay there. I probably will ask my parent to come down on Friday since we have to bring down a shelve to make place for the table.

I'm a bit sad that HeartGold is only coming out after the March break.

ANYWAY, tomorrow it's Nerf Tag assassination event! That my class worked on. SO it will be wicked, people will hold Nerf gun/ sword everywhere, and shoot people. My teacher have to call the police to tell them what where going to do. I didn't participated, but half my class did, all my boyfriend class participated, I wonder how many people is going to participated.

I want to Moncton this week-end, I was okay, we celebrate my big sister birthday, watch the Olympic, sleep a whole lot and got a horrible back pain because the bed wasn't great. My mom let me and my boyfriend sleep in the same room, witch was really impressive, but I guess it's because she know that I'm not the baby anymore XD I want "shopping" was supposed to go get my new books, but they where all out of stock so I just bought them online. Scott bought a book on cooking anything with chocolate, its awesome.

now where back home, doing our homework we where supposed to do on the week-end but didn't.


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